sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2014

TOP5 Albanian entries!

Yesterday it was a great day for Albanian people! It was their independence day! So, because of this, we decided to create a poll with the Albanian entries to let you choose your favourites.

This are the results:

5. Anjeza Shahini - The image of you (2004)

The first ever Albanian was good enough to let her country qualify from the first semifinal ever. And she deserved her 7th place in the final.

4. Olta Boka - Zemrën e lamë peng (2008)

Albania has shown us, it has lots of beautiful women with great voices. Olta Boka is another one, even she onle received 55 points in the grand final.

3. Juliana Pasha - It's all about you (2010)

She won the Festvali i Kenges at the third time she participated. It looked like she was going to get a great mark for her country but she didn't; 6th in the semifinal and 16th in the final.

2. Kejsi Tola - Carry me in your dreams (2009)

Another great singer with a great deception. She act correctly with a good song, but she didn't convince the audience. 7th in the semifinal and 17th in the final.

1. Rona Nishliu - Suus (2012)

She perhaps had on of the greatest voice in ESC2012, but it was a difficult year: Loreen, Pastora Soler, Zeljko... But she became 5th in the final! Great Rona!


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